Join Aalia and environmentalist Jolyon Collier as they discuss the concept of coral protection which has enormous potential for preventing environmental damage. Jolyon highlights the importance of feeling connected to the natural world & oceans and the fact that we can preserve our environment by being mindful of our everyday actions. He had an early awareness that the natural wonders of the world would not be able to withstand the future years of human activity. By putting our best foot forward and taking action steps, he explains, we can generate innovative ideas and put them into real life practice. Some examples of helping to protect the earth include excluding plastics, chemicals, and animal product consumption from our lives as well as donating to organizations and projects directly combating climate change. Jolyon became an expert in the realm of custom craftsmanship, steel fabrication, and welding, working with highly profiled individuals and CEO’s across LA and Malibu. A passion for the ocean led Jolyon to become a videographer in Fiji, connecting to the culture and reef like no other. By connecting art and conservation, Jolyon has created a way to communicate and address the human impact on our oceans and coral reef ecosystems. He developed these intricate art pieces with the help of leading scientists in coral propagation, to ensure they are highly effective and supersede all previous coral practices.

Sustainably Speaking Podcast
Welcome to Sustainably Speaking, hosted by Aalia Mauro, a serial entrepreneur and sustainability expert. Join us as we explore the untold dimensions where sustainability meets business. In candid conversations with business leaders, sustainability experts, and thought leaders, Aalia delves into the intersection of environmental consciousness and business strategy to provide invaluable insights into building environmentally-friendly brands and exceptional products. Thank you for tuning in.
Welcome to Sustainably Speaking, hosted by Aalia Mauro, a serial entrepreneur and sustainability expert. Join us as we explore the untold dimensions where sustainability meets business. In candid conversations with business leaders, sustainability experts, and thought leaders, Aalia delves into the intersection of environmental consciousness and business strategy to provide invaluable insights into building environmentally-friendly brands and exceptional products. Thank you for tuning in.Listen on
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